

Abscesses are the accumulation of pus as a sign of infection caused by bacteria, fungi or other germs that enter the body. The body’s immune system reacts as a defender against infections and sends white blood cells to eliminate them. These white blood cells and other debris accumulate in the wound and form pus. When pus builds up, it may not drain, causing the area to swell and cause pain. Abscesses are accumulations of pus that develop as a sign of infection caused by bacteria, fungi, or other germs entering the body. The immune system responds as a defense against these infections by sending white blood cells to combat them. These white blood cells and other debris accumulate in the wound, forming pus. When pus fails to drain properly, it accumulates, inflame the area and cause pain.

Benefits of PBM

• Acts as an anti-inflammatory
• Reduces pain in localized areas.
• Acts as an inhibitor in the reproduction of bacteria.

Other common diseases